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Bill is a lifelong outdoorsman and has hunted and fished the east coast as well as many destinations in Central & South America and the Caribbean. He grew up around boats and offshore fishing on the Outer Banks of NC, where he spent most of his childhood years fishing with his grandfather out of Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout. He was drawn into competitive fishing at, a young age, after competing in his first Big Rock East Coast Marlin Tournament in 1978.

Bill attended University at UNCW (1982 - 1986) and made Wilmington NC his home for 25 years. Based out of Wilmington he spent 25 years competing on various pro-tours (SKA, FLW, IFA) while running a financial services firm.

In 2009, he moved to South America where he opened and operated a big game fishing lodge. He has an extensive knowledge of yachting, fishing and the surrounding waters.

Bill possesses a lifetime of boating experience and knowledge, which he enjoys sharing with his clients.

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Fun Facts
Home Town Destin, Florida
First Boat Boston Whaler 15
Favorite Boat Music Bob Marley
Favorite Boat Show FLIBS
Languages Spoken

Bill Slaughter Yacht Listings

64' Custom 2018

Virginia Beach

45' Cruisers 2016


44' Meridian 2016

Gulf Breeze

Docside 43' Galeon 2021


41' Hydra-Sports 2009

Orange Beach

38' Tiara 2022


36' Cape Horn 2022

Orange Beach

Cray Day 32' Sea Pro 2021

Orange Beach

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