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U.S. Corporate Profits and Boat Sales Trend Report

June 8, 2016 8:41 am

For the newest installment of our market data analysis series, we analyzed the relationship between boat sales and U.S. corporate profits. We used data from the FRED Economic Database, which aggregates the profits of all U.S. corporations – we computed the 6-month average from 2006 to 2016:

Corporate Profits Boat Sales

The lowest points of both graphs are in 2009, reflecting the effects of the recession, but the highest are in the opposite parts of the timeline. That means corporate profits recovered much faster than boat sales. In general, the two metrics are well correlated and we can conclude that boat sales depend heavily on the well-being of the economy. Overall, the corporate profit data is a good predictor for a long-term forecast of boat sales.

Stay tuned as we continue to share our Boat Data Analysis findings in upcoming posts.

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